Family Law

The family unit is arguably our most important social construct. Family law encompasses the rights and responsibilities of the family members when the family unit breaks down.

And when there is fighting among family members, and where such conflict requires the intervention of the legal system, those feuding parties often hire counsel to battle the others for their rights.

We have seen opposing counsel that try to make up for lack of skill or talent with aggression and poor behavior. We have seen some counsel personalize their client’s matter and act out unprofessionally. Our firm does not subscribe to this school of thought.

In the area of family law, our firm strives to (a) know the law, (b) keep our clients fully informed on their choices and on the legal process, and (c) to set goals and work to meet those goals.

Winning is important, but we work with the client to see the big picture and to help the client understand the value of compromise. Often a well-negotiated settlement, one allowing you the assets you wanted to keep and the time and involvement with your children you wanted, results in a far better outcome than consistently and unreasonably fighting on all issues with your family member. Our attorneys are excellent negotiators, with over 10 years of combined experience in family law practice. We will advise you on your rights, we will assess your goals and we will try to get you the settlement terms you really want.

And in those situations where there is no compromise, our office is prepared to go to battle for you and your rights, from dissolution petition through trial, and on appeal if needed.

Our family law practice includes, by way of example:

  • Filing and prosecuting petitions for dissolution of marriage (divorce)
  • Filing and prosecuting petitions for annulment of marriage
  • Child support, parenting time (formerly visitation), child decision making (formerly custody), actions to establish paternity, actions for back child support, adoption representation, and name change petitions,
  • Prenuptial and postnuptial agreement drafting and execution
  • QDRO and QILDRO drafting and execution
  • Legal issues incident to family law: estate planning, guardianship, collections, real estate transactions.

Contact us to find out more about how we can assist you.